PowerSchool Mobile Apps
Information you will need to get started:
District Code:fkdf
PowerSchool Mobile (Android)
PowerSchool Mobile (iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch)
You will need to create your account on the web (if you have not done so already.) Go to https://frco.powerschool.com/public and select Create Account.
You will also need to make sure your email address is on file at your student's school. You may have done this through Powerschool Registration.
The school will provide you with an Access ID and an Access Password. Once in, you can make a new password.
1. Click the link above to the type of device you have. This will take you to your appstore; click install to install Powerschool Mobile
2. Once installed, open the Powerschool Mobile app. You will then need to enter in the District Code listed above.
3. Sign in using the credentials set in the Prerequisites section above.