Referral & Identification

How does the gifted identification process work?

FCPS Local Gifted Plan 2020-2025

The process includes the following steps:


  • Screening/nomination

  • Permission to fully evaluate the student

  • Testing

  • Profile completion

  • Committee discussion/decision

  • Permission to place if that is deemed appropriate

       Printed copies of the Local Gifted Plan are available upon request from the Gifted Department located at the Franklin County School Board Office.


  • The county-wide administration of the OLSAT ability test given to all 2nd graders produces a pool of potential candidates.

  • Nominations for testing may be made by teachers, parents, students, or other adults familiar with the students’ abilities at any time during the year up until April 1 of that school year.

Permission to Evaluate

Once a student has been nominated, a letter asking permission to evaluate is sent to the parent/guardian. The permission-to-evaluate form must be signed and returned and an observation checklist must be completed by the parent/guardian. This gives the gifted staff permission to gather data and further test the student.


A variety of tests may be given to a student. The goal is to have standardized, norm-referenced test data in the form of achievement scores, plus an intelligence/ability score. The particular test that is given is chosen based on information that is provided by the teacher and/or parent and gathered by the gifted staff. The goal is to give the achievement test(s) that is the closest match to the learning style and particular interests of the student.

Profile Completion

All data collected about a student is placed on a profile sheet. A completed profile contains parent observation information, teacher observation information, an ability score, and achievement test scores. A product portfolio and a writing sample may also be included in the profile.

Committee Discussion/Decision

A committee made up of the Gifted Coordinator, Instructional Coaches, the principal, and classroom teacher(s) examine the information on the profile. A discussion about the placement of the student in the gifted program occurs. A recommendation is made to place, not to place, or to monitor a student.

Completion of the Process

The referral process is complete once all of the above steps have been followed. A letter is sent to parents with the committee’s decision. If the committee recommends placement in the gifted program, the parent correspondence also contains a Permission-to-Place form that must be returned before a student may officially become part of the gifted program.

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