Placement of Students

students standing outside of school
Proper program placement is a critical factor in EL student success. The placement must make sure the student has access to the same educational opportunities as all students. The placement should also seek to provide meaningful participation in a classroom setting that answers both academic and social needs. Parents should be notified annually about their child's classroom placement and also notified about the ESL services that will be provided. Decisions about placement and instructional support will be made by a committee composed of the ESL instructor, classroom teacher, and administrator. Parents are welcome to participate in this committee, but are not required to do so. Other school personnel, such as guidance or the reading coach, may attend.

A close review of a student's academic history and the most recent screening assessment will play an important role in placement and services. Every decision will be based on what is best for the child. The goal is that every EL student will begin at a level that allows for meaningful instruction, close to grade-level peers, with a final goal being proficiency on grade-level.
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