This website was created specifically for parents to easily access information regarding your child's enrollment in our Title I schools.
What is Title I ?
The purpose of Title I federal funding is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.
~ Please visit our Title I schools' websites ~
District Level Staff
Brenda McGrath, Federal Programs Coordinator
Phone: 540-483-5162 Fax: 540-301-6431
[email protected]
Jeanette Mullins, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 540-352-1913 Fax: 540-301-6431
[email protected]
Virginia School Quality Profile

Virginia’s new School Quality Profiles provide information about student achievement, chronic absenteeism, college and career readiness, school safety, teacher quality and other topics of interest to parents and the general public.
If parents need a paper copy of the VDOE report, please contact your school administrator or the Office of Federal Programs at 540-483-5162.
PTA’s National Standards for Family-School Partnerships
Each of our Title I schools have Family Engagement Plans that follow these six standards:
- Standard 1—Welcoming All Families into the School Community
- Standard 2—Communicating Effectively
- Standard 3—Supporting Student Success
- Standard 4—Speaking Up for Every Child
- Standard 5—Sharing Power
- Standard 6—Collaborating with Community
Click on the link above to find out more about these national standards from the PTA.
Parent Involvement Policy for District Level
Read more about our guidelines.
Parents are invited to provide feedback by contacting the Office of Federal Programs at 540-483-5138 .
Title I Application 2023-24
Our TItle I application for 2023-24 was approved by the
Franklin County School Board on June 12, 2023.
Parents are invited to provide feedback by contacting the Office of Federal Programs at 540-483-5138.
Title I Complaint Procedures
Any parent, teacher, other concerned individual(s), or organization(s) may file a complaint with the Office of Federal Programs.
Helping Children Learn Newsletter
Daily Learning Planner
Please help us to grow by completing the 2024-25 needs assessment survey listed below by clicking on the picture below.

The purpose of Title II, Part A, is to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, local educational agencies, schools, and local communities to—
- increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards;
- improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders;
- increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and
- provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
- Professional Learning that
- Meets the statutory definition of professional development in Section 8101(42), which requires that professional development be: sustained; intensive; collaborative; job-embedded; data-driven; and classroom focused.
- Aligns to overarching division strategic goals. (Section 2103(b)(3)(E)) Examples of professional development activities may include items from any object code, such as mentors, professional development/instructional coaches, contracted services, conferences, professional learning communities (PLC); leadership development and associated costs.
- Recruitment/Retention
- Praxis test fees for endorsements
- Courses needed for licensure/endorsement
- Class-Size Reduction Teacher
- Transferability to Title I
To help the Office of Federal Programs determine our annual needs and priorities for 2024-25, we are asking for your feedback regarding professional development by filling out a quick survey.
Information from the survey will be analyzed to help us to determine future areas of need as well as prioritize our Title II funding. Please complete your response by April 15, 2024.
Please contact Office of Federal Programs with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your participation in our needs assessment process.