The goal of becoming proficient in English is an enormous and commanding challenge. Indeed, this challenge exists for all students; however, for non-English speaking students it is an especially formidable task. The adoption of the new federal program, ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, has brought about some new guidelines with specific expectations for English learners (now referred to as ELs). These guidelines are in place to assure that all ELs are identified and screened as soon as they enroll, that they are properly placed in a classroom setting that takes into consideration their age, previous academic preparation, and level of English proficiency, and that all students identified as English Learners (ELs) receive access to the same instruction and all school programs and activities as other students.
The Franklin County ESL program has designed an instructional program that addresses the individual needs of every EL. The ultimate goal is that every EL student participate fully in the school setting that they attend and work successfully to receive a high school diploma. The current program serves over 160 students with 96% of those students speaking Spanish as the primary language in the home. In addition to the students receiving services, 42 students have reached proficiency and no longer need services. These students are now monitored to make sure their successful academic performance continues.
We cherish and respect the home language and representative culture of every EL. In fact, we applaud and celebrate the ability of these students to now express themselves in more than one language. EL students enrich every classroom they represent. But the primary goal of the Franklin County ESL program is that these students become proficient with the English language. Every EL arrives in Franklin County with an individual history, a family experience that is personal and most important. Our goal is to value what they bring to this community and insure these students have every opportunity to become successful students and contributing members of the Franklin County community.