Fellow citizen, school employees and students,
The first amendment right is cherished in America, and as a Board, we welcome your input. Your
feedback lets us know that you are listening, that you are engaged, and that you care.
We want to hear from you. You help us understand what is working; what is not working; and your
feedback helps us consider ideas and solutions we might not have thought about.
Rural schools face unique challenges compared to our urban and suburban counterparts, but rural
communities also have a unique quilted fabric of community! The reality is it takes ALL of us, working
TOGETHER to foster a school system that supports ALL of our students, so they are prepared to face the
world ahead of them.
I would encourage you to consider whether you have first shared your feedback with your teachers,
principals, and administrators. Please allow them the first opportunity to address a situation. The
teachers, principals, and administrators I have spoken with are dedicated professionals that are
passionate about education, and they care about your children, and they want to be part of the solution.
But, at the end of the day, if you feel that you are not being heard, then certainly, drop us a line, bring
your ideas and concerns to us.
I have always believed in the Covey principle, that we must “first seek to understand,” and our
understanding is incomplete without your feedback.
Together and forward, in your service.
Dawn H. McCray
Franklin County School Board Chair
This suggestion box is not a location for complaints. If you have a specific complaint that you need to bring before the Board, please adhere to the School Board policy governing these procedures. We will not use the suggestion box as an avenue or as a substitute to current policy governing the handling of complaints. The two references below are for the most common types of complaints that we receive. The first relates to the school and the second relates to personnel. There are other references in the existing School Board Policy Manual.